Why this?
I have looked through the comments and have seen many people talking about how bad this is and some others accusing them of being shallow. Let me just say that I didn't really like this.
So this is another "art" game. It seems like it could be a good genre, but too many people decide that if they make their games simplistic and boring and include some kind of theme of depression to it their games are "emotional" and "deep". While I hate to argue with anybody on the basis that I might not "get it" or that I might use too many "quotation marks" I found this gamed to be cliche and overall boring. If a story is to be told, make it longer, better and make me sympathize.
The character has... no character. The definitive feature of him is that he is a slow moving bastard. This game just wants you to spend ages on it. Especially that clock, so far I have gotten the timer down to 5000 and I'm beginning to wonder if I should bother waiting any longer. If the "prize" really is worth it.
The story: A man kills his wife and gets depressed, jumps off a cliff. No matter how slow and how many virtuoso piano pieces we put over it, that's what it boils down to. It's very boring and there is nothing new.
Graphically, I see it is meant to be minimalism but it is not just that, it is awful. I am confronted by horrible blocky things with garish colours. Also, would it hurt to program his legs to stop moving when you stop walking? It makes him look like he's on the brink of wetting himself.
So, in summary, try harder next time: This is basically a movie (A tedious movie) with the added feature of moving yourself; I don't really care about graphics too much but they were horrible; The story is old and used; The gameplay is incredibly padded with slow movement meaning a game that would take about 1 minute to complete without feeling empty is now stretched out and incredibly boring (And expects you to wait for the clock as well!).
I think I spent longer playing the game than you spent making it.